Sweet and Tangy Blackberry Sauce – A Summer Treat

Well hey there and happy summer, y’all! Darian here with a fresh recipe perfect for this time of year – homemade blackberry sauce. As soon as blackberry season hits, I take advantage by whipping up batches of this delicious sauce. It’s sweet, tangy, and bursting with juicy berry flavor!

Around here, we use blackberry sauce in all sorts of ways. I’ll share my favorite uses, storage tips, and answers to common questions. So grab yourself a big ol’ bowl of fresh picked blackberries and let’s get saucy!

Blackberry Sauce

Why I Love Making Homemade Blackberry Sauce

Blackberry Sauce

Canned sauces just can’t compare to the taste of homemade. Here’s why I think it’s worth the effort:

  • It highlights the natural sweetness of ripe, in-season blackberries.
  • My kids go crazy over it! They love it spooned over ice cream or yogurt.
  • It’s versatile – we use it for topping waffles, pancakes, cheesecake and more.
  • It makes the house smell amazing while cooking.
  • I can control the amount of sugar and spice to suit our taste.
  • It’s easy to freeze for enjoying blackberry flavor all year long!

This simple 4-ingredient sauce comes together in just 15 minutes.

Blackberry Sauce

Blackberry Sauce

Well hey there and happy summer, y'all! Darian here with a fresh recipe perfect for this time of year - homemade blackberry sauce. As soon as blackberry season hits, I take advantage by whipping up batches of this delicious sauce. It's sweet, tangy, and bursting with juicy berry flavor!
Around here, we use blackberry sauce in all sorts of ways. I'll share my favorite uses, storage tips, and answers to common questions. So grab yourself a big ol' bowl of fresh picked blackberries and let's get saucy!
Cook Time 15 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Servings 3 cups


  • 1 medium-sized pot
  • 1 small dish


  • 4 cups Blackberries fresh or frozen
  • 1 cup White granulated sugar
  • 1 tbsp Lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp Cornstarch


  • To begin, mix blackberries and sugar in a medium-sized pot over medium heat. If using fresh blackberries then let heat up for around 3-4 minutes. If using frozen blackberries then let heat up for around 8-9 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, in a small dish, combine lemon juice with cornstarch – make sure to mix it.
  • After the 3-4 minutes or 8-9 minutes, stir the lemon mixture into the blackberry mixture.
  • Boil for another 2-4 minutes, stirring constantly. *The sauce will begin to thicken*
  • Once done, remove from heat and pour into a container and let cool. If your storing it in the fridge or freezer make sure to let the sauce cool completely before placing it in.



If your using it to top a cheesecake, also let it cool before adding it to the cheesecake.
This sauce tastes excellent while still hot, so try drizzling a little on some ice cream and enjoy.
Keyword blackberry, sauce

Tips for Making the Perfect Sauce

Blackberry Sauce

Through lots of trials in my kitchen, here are some tips I’ve learned:

  • Use fresh or frozen berries – avoid canned which may have added preservatives.
  • Mix in a bit of lemon juice to balance the sweetness and give a tang.
  • Start with less sugar and add more to taste – blackberries can vary in tartness.
  • Use cornstarch or tapioca starch to thicken to your desired consistency.
  • Simmer on low heat so the sauce doesn’t burn – just until thickened.
  • Stir frequently while cooking to prevent scorching on the bottom.
  • Let cool before freezing or jarring for long term storage.

Yummy Ways to Use This Sauce

Blackberry Sauce

My family loves blackberry sauce:

  • Drizzled over waffles, pancakes, or French toast
  • As a topper for cheesecake or pound cake
  • Swirled into oatmeal or yogurt for a quick breakfast
  • As a dip for fresh fruit like apples and pears
  • In smoothies for a nutrition and antioxidant boost
  • Over ice cream for a homemade berry sundae
  • Baked into muffins or other treats

The possibilities are endless!

Storage Tips and FAQs

Blackberry Sauce

Here are some common questions I get about storing Blackberry Sauce:

How long does it keep in the fridge?

About 1 week in a sealed container.

Can I freeze it?

Yes! It will keep for 6-8 months in the freezer.

Should it be canned for shelf storage?

You can can it using proper canning methods to store at room temp.

Can I use frozen blackberries?

Absolutely – no need to thaw them first.

What’s the best way to use thawed frozen sauce?

Stir it while reheating over low heat on the stovetop or microwave until loosened.

I hope y’all get the chance to take advantage of fresh blackberries with this easy Blackberry Sauce recipe. Let me know if you have any other questions! Now if you’ll excuse me, I see the kiddos running around the yard, so it’s time to put on my mom hat. Thanks for stopping by County Mama Cooking!

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